Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fucking Nerds

Nerds can't handle life. They've been playing to many computer games and jerking off to too much porn and consequently they're all pale, they're lonely, they don't know how to interact with the regular people and they're too fucking sensitive. Case in point:

On the fan forum site "Avatar Forums," a topic thread entitled "Ways to cope with the depression of the dream of Pandora being intangible," has received more than 1,000 posts from people experiencing depression and fans trying to help them cope. The topic became so popular last month that forum administrator Philippe Baghdassarian had to create a second thread so people could continue to post their confused feelings about the movie.

One fan wrote:

'I can't stop thinking about all the things that happened in the film and all of the tears and shivers I got from it. I even contemplate suicide thinking that if I do it I will be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora and the everything is the same as in 'Avatar.'
*Sigh. If these nerds spent sometime outside of their gaming/porn chair and learned how to interact with people, they would have discovered the solution to their problem....DRUGS. I fucking hate life too and I love dreaming about ending it all and I'm not even anything special, everyone thinks about that shit. The key to coping is drugs and booze. I have to spend 10 hours a day, at my desk, taking it up the butt from the world but when I get home, I fucking drink and smoke those memories into oblivion. And guess what, that shit fucking works because all my problems seem so fixable and so not important. Nerds need to stop dreaming about a planet with blue Sasquatches for people and start dreaming about the next time they can get high and drunk like us normal folks.
One day they'll thank me for this.

Story from -
Picture from -

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