Monday, January 4, 2010

Social Darwinism Is Our Only Hope

If stupid people kill themselves doing stupid shit, then whatever, I'm not going to complain. I don't want to meet one of those fuckers and have a stupid ass child with one of them. What I do give a shit about is stupid-ass people taking out us regular people. If those assholes are taking people down, they need to take down one of those juice heads that work at a gym. Those dipshits would scan their own dick as my membership card because guess what, steroids don't make you smarter! Anyway, I digress from the main point - stupid assholes. Enter stupid fucker and shitty rapper, Bow Wow.
Bow Wow spent New Year's Eve at IV at the Fontainbleau in Miami and Bow Wow took to his Twitter to recount the night's illegal happenings for the world to see.

"Face numb im whippin the lambo. Tispy as f*k. Just left @livmiami."

Im f**ked up!!! Ohhhh damn. Y i drive the lambo. Chris might have to drive after next spot."

Just for reference the "Chris" he is referring to in his last post is Chris Brown. What are the fucking odds that you have two stupid assholes driving drunk, in a fast car, in an area with bridges and they survived the night?!?!? That's like giving a fat camp the keys to a Twinkie factor and returning to find every single Twinkie accounted for. It's so unlikely that it's unreal.

Side note: At least the dipshit is smart enough recognize that he's lucky he didn't kill someone but he's still a fucking idiot because an ape could have written a better apology with finger paint.

"Apologize for that tweet. it was stupid and immature. not a way i want to kick my #2010 year off. i got too much good stuff lined up. my bad."

Oh my bad, I killed your parents and now you're going to have to live with your Aunt who will neglect you and treat you like an indentured servant. Oh my bad, I killed the family dog, Fluffy, that you daughter loved more than her own life and who helped take her mind off the leukemia that is slowly eating through her organs.

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