Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rumer Willis Is Good Looking, Perez Not So Much

This post doesn't fall under the category of news but it does fall under the category of Perez Hilton is annoying as shit. Ok so yeah, I read Perezhilton. Whatever, go ahead and judge. Sure he's usually the last to report new celebrity gossip and yeah his commentary isn't really original but I'd rather read his dribble than actually having to look up from my computer while at work.

So I just read ANOTHER post of his where he bashes Rumer Willis. I don't get what she's done to him because based on how he writes about her, she like destroyed his vintage collection of Cher memoribilia or something.

Wow, Potato Head!! We didn't know you had it in you!!Good lord, he is HAWT!'Actress' Rumer Willis is apparently 'rumored' to be engaged to her boyfriend Micah Alberti, and the two could be married as early as June!! (sic) We guess she realizes that no matter how gay-faced he might be, Micah is the best girl is gonna get! Smart move, bb! Tie that shiz DOWN!

I'm not in the business of kissing celebrity ass but I've seen and talked to Rumer Willis and 1.) she's actually very pretty and 2.) she was super nice. I'll even go so far as to say that she was normal and there's non of that bullshit celebrity ego-bullshit. Just a really nice girl.

Back to the point, should Perez really be making fun of how people look? Fact: he's kind of weird looking himself. Fact: that overbite isn't doing him any favors. Fact: I KNOW girlfriend wishes he had Rumer's body. Obviously my good looks and amazing body personally excludes me from this debate (BOO-YAH!) so I can say whatever I want about how people look.

But seriously, Perez, it's getting to be mean especially since it's not like she's a drunk, or a bitch, or overexposed.
I guess since I find Rumer beautiful, us beautiful people gotta look out for eachother. Beside, let's get back to bashing celebrities that really deserve i.e. the Gosselins, any of the Lohans or Sarah Palin!

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