Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bitter Doesn't Really Work For You

Christina Aguilera sucks; she's always sucked and she's always acted like a bitch. Honestly, who fucking cares that she has an eight octave range and can sing that stupid song from "Mulan"? She's no Britney and she'll never be as loved as Britney who, by the way, can barely function in regular society.

It must really chap Christian's ass that she's way more talented than Britney but she'll never be able to dethrone a brainless and talentless bag-o-jello that lip syncs for Cheetos. Bitter much? Guess that partially explains what crawled up Christina's butt during a recent interview in which she demanded that someone shoot the reporter that coughed during her interview.

Video link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/26/christina-aguilera-gets-m_n_552599.html

Bitch please! Be as diva-licious as you want but she'll always be referred to as "whatsherface....the wanna be Britney...oh come on, you know who I mean, what's her name again....something XXX porno tron"? She should be nicer and just thankful that she was even allowed to have a career. If this were China, fuck, a girl as tiny and as powerful as she is would have been forced to become an Olympic gymnast or die trying. Count your blessings.

Picture from - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgJ-T-41IRsI3oAqNzLSfB9fuxdqLvltTVEzmLbTpGFw5-wPSlBEQYHdZwq6HdRK_FrkbyCPSd89Knnmhpcbdywg3ADrkZb1lnyJksYntUW4twmeeP8oRvs22CO1CNHCObg06nMSuAQIwc/s400/christina-aguilera-bad-makeup-240tp042908.jpg

Story from - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/26/christina-aguilera-gets-m_n_552599.html

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