Thursday, December 3, 2009

Like Seriously Guys, Like I'm Really Sorry

Chris Brown continues to be a unrepentant prick-douche-bag. In an upcoming interview on 20/20, Brown does his best to convince America that he is really sorry for beating his girlfriend. Like seriously, like it's not fair that like people don't give him like a chance to like redeem himself. Like that's so jacked and like whatever.

"I never ever had problems with anger. No, no domestic violence with any of my past girlfriends," Brown said. "I never was that kind of person. I look at it, and it's really, like really difficult. It's like, 'How could I be that person?"

Easy on the heartfelt and profound expression of remorse, Chris, or my brain is going to explode. Fucking Chris Brown and Paris Hilton should get together and write sonnets for a Shakespeare Festival or something because they are teeming with poetry. Utterly soul-shaking.

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