Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This Again?

I thought we were passed asking, "what the fuck happened to Katie Holmes?"I mean she's been standing up straight recently and she was flashing almost full smiles. She wasn't like glowing or anything but overall she stopped looking like such a bag lady that's been hitting the bottle for the past 10 years.

I guess
Sundance must have been a real bitch because I found this picture of her and she looks like a fucking zombie. Compare her to Naomi Watts who also has children, is relatively just as famous, and has a famous husband. This is honestly a picture that you would show to aspiring EMTs during a lesson entitled, "This Is How You Know Someone Is Dead"or to the soldiers so that they could identity zombies from humans. Seriously, someone call the national guard because Tom Cruise is creating a legion of really tall, skinny and demure zombies. We were warned.

Picture from -,,20159269,00.html#20734402

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