Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You Don't Get Cooler If You Say Your Movie Sucks

I'd love to go through my work day with my ears filled with wax to drowned out my coworker's bitching. If it's not my kid's private school this or my new Audi that, it's something. I'd perhaps give a shit if these people were decent human beings and showed me the common courtesy of pretending to know my name. If that were the case, then yeah, I could pretend to give a shit. Fucking Matthew Goode from "Leap Year" is a celebrity version of my coworkers - arrogant, insensitive, and makes me want to hurl. In a recent interview with the UK's Telegraph, Goode basically shat all over the movie.

"I just know that there are a lot of people who will say it is the worst film of 2010," he said in an interview with UK's Telegraph. Goode told the paper he knew the script of the Amy Adams flick was awful going in but isn't above taking an easy paycheck with a convenient shooting location. "That was the main reason I took it - so that I could come home at the weekends," he said. "It wasn't because of the script, trust me. I was told it was going to be like The Quiet Man with a Vaughan Williams soundtrack, but in the end it turned out to have pop music all over it."

Oh poor Mr. Goode. I'm sure he banked more money standing in front of a camera for 2 hours a day reciting lines that an ape could make sound more convincing than I make in three years. Hey dumbass, it's called a recession. At least you have a job and I'm sure that along with that job, you get an assistant, free food, and an endless line of people to kiss your ass. I, like a lot of people, am stuck in a shit hole where people continually yelll at me and say demeaning things that touch upon my daddy issues and I make just just above the poverty line.

But the silver lining that Mr. Goode should take comfort in is that at the end of the day, no one saw Leap Year or any of your other movies so you can still be "that's the one think he was in that Old Spice or Progressive commercial...what's his name? Leonardo Efron or something? Whatever. Whatelse is on?"

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