Tuesday, September 29, 2009

90 Days Will Prove You're Still Douche

Bitch-tits Jon Gosselin is my favorite "celebrity" to make fun of because it's like he goes out of his way to make people hate him. Well it looks like Bitch-Tits has finally taken his head out of his own cleavage:

When Jon Gosselin heard that his estranged wife, Kate, had a breakdown during the taping of a TV pilot in September, he knew he was responsible for her suffering. "He woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and didn't like the reflection," Jon's attorney, Mark Jay Heller, tells In Touch. "He realized he'd made some bad choices." Jon and Kate were due to be officially divorced by the end of November -- but now he claims he's had a serious change of heart. "I regret my conduct since Kate and I separated [on June 22]," Jon tells In Touch exclusively. "I used poor judgment in publicly socializing with other women so soon."

Shockingly, today, Jon submitted a document to a Pennsylvania court-approved arbitrator, which he hopes will suspend his split with Kate for 90 days. He explains, "This will enable Kate and me to restore our relationship as cooperative parents and to open up our lines of communication. I hope that she will be as receptive and enthusiastic as I am to do what is best for our family." He also pleaded with her to set aside their anger so they can start interacting amicably. "I would like to get back with Kate as a partner in parenting," Jon tells In Touch. "Even though we were heading for a divorce, it appeared that Kate had been suffering from this divorce as much as I had. That's why I asked my attorney to put the brakes on this divorce so I could try to regain control over the future of our family. So Kate and I could join on a cooperative course that would benefit our family -- not destroy it."

He doesn't recognize himself in the mirror because of the extra 30 lbs he is carrying in his man-bra. Shit, he isn't even recognizable as a man anymore. His side profile looks like fucking Bitch Face Kate, seven months pregnant with chesticles the size of watermelons.

Unlike Jon, Bitch Face has found a way to sell her soul AND make money. (Come on, Jon, play like a champion!) Jon's only concern is money and Kate is the only bitch he knows with any of it. He's really trying to put everything aside and think of his future and his family's future. I mean, those fashionable Ed Hardy shirts, his daily blowjobs and the diamond earrings from Claire's don't come cheap and he NEEDS those things to be a good father for his children. Those kids are fortune to have parents like Bitch Tits and Bitch Face because their children need role models and if they can't learn how to abandon their responsibilities, cheat on their spouses and how to sacrifice the well being of small children to make a quick buck from their parents, where are they going to learn it?

Full Post - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/29/jon-gosselin-suspends-div_n_303009.html

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