Monday, November 9, 2009

Does That Shit Get You High?

Sarah Jessica Parker loves the smell of her diapers. Um, what?!?!?!
SJP told Elle magazine that "I love the smell of diapers; I even like when they're wet and you smell them all warm liked a baked good. I love the smell of Balmex. Love it."
I'm the youngest (and cutest) of my family so I'm not use to being around babies and I have NEVER changed a dirty diaper so I don't know what one smells like. I could maybe understand someone saying "I love the smell of a new diaper because it reminds me of a time before my uterus started rotting and I could still have bastards children." That makes sense. A wet and warm diapers sound like the most disgusting thing I can thing of this morning. Wet equals moldy and warm equals crap that's been baking in the direct sun, on the dashboard of your car, with the windows rolled up. The only reason why I can think that someone would love the smell of a wet and warm diaper is that it must get you high as shit. That's got to be the ONLY reason. I mean look at her, she's so high her eyes can barely focus and she's a second away from saying "dude". I could totally picture how her getting her fix goes down - A stick thin SJP dressed up in her bedazzled trash bag with her 6'' stilettos sniffing diapers and screaming:
Yeah, that's got to be it.

Article - Picture -

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