Friday, November 20, 2009

Guess This Means Back to the Bulimia

Heidi Klum hosted the annual Victoria Secret fashion show last night in NY. Damn! She literally just pushed a 7 lb parasite out of her vagina 6 weeks ago and she already looks like it never happened. I know for sure that she was in better shape while pregnant than I am now. Fuck! Germany must have succeed with some of their weird science experiments during the war because Heidi's body is physically incapable of let itself get out of shape. Efficiency! Diligence! Steel! I'm screwed because I'm American and my body can't function unless I load it up with a bunch of lard, oil and butter three times a day. I'm like driving Paula Dean's butter truck to the butter factory while Heidi is driving her BMW to an Iron Man competition after eating only veggies and the elixir of life that Sean Connery in Indian Jones.

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