Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Doesn't Count

Meb Keflezighi was the winner of this year's NY City marathon and people are making a big fucking deal about it because he is the first American to win since 1982. My first thought was - An American, winning a long distance race against runners from multiple African fucking way! Guess it's no surprise that I'm a genuis and fucking called that shit because he's not exactly an American.
According to the NY Times he was born an "child immigrant from war-torn Eritrea, and one of 11 siblings in a village with no electricity".
Yeah, no, that doesn't count. Fuck, America is so fucking fat and lazy that we have to offer citizenship to immigrants that can't gain more than 5 lbs because they were starved for the first 15 years of their life in order to win that race. Jesus! It's not even some exotic foreign sport with a ball or bat that needs amazing eye-hand coordination, it's fucking running. Meb is definitely an American but his victory doesn't count as a win for America.

Article and Pictures -

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