Monday, December 21, 2009

Not Your Best Choice

Bad idea, Mariah! No one wants to see you accentuate your thighs, "thunder" and "lighting", or "alimony" and "meal ticket" as Nick Cannon likes to call them. Seriously, you look like a gayed-out version of the Marsh mellow man from "Ghost Busters".

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Still Airbrushed To Hell

Bethanny Frankel from the "Real Housewives of New York" posed nude for PETA and she is really proud that her picture wasn't airbrushed to oblivion. In other news, Bethanny thinks the U.S. can solve the recession by stealing money from leprechauns.
"Everything I'm about is being honest and being upfront," Frankel, 39, tells US Magazine "So if people are talking and saying [the photo] was airbrushed...then, you know what? Here's the picture. Have it your way."

"It's so tasteful and beautifully done. I am especially pleased because it doesn't look like there's been any airbrushing, and I was already pregnant when I shot it."
I want whatever drugs she's on because that picture is fucking airbrushed to hell. It's not as ridiculous as the airbrushing that Mariah Carey's depends on to hide her chunky monkey parts but come on! In non-airbrushed photo you can see the lower half of her boob, the cellulite on her legs, the discoloration in her skin, the wrinkles in her face, they made her ass smaller and none of that appears in the ad. They basically retouched her entire body. Yeah so either, I want the drugs Bethanny is on or we gotta find those fucking leprechauns and get their gold so I can get a new fucking job in a better economy.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Yeah, Being A Whiny Bitch Should Help

Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna and he's a whiny bitch because everyone still thinks he's a douche. Jeeze! What's the public's problem? It's been over a year already; why aren't we just pretending like this never happened already?

"Unhappy with the distribution of his new CD, 'Graffiti,' [Chris Brown] took to his Twitter page to unleash a profanity-laden rant upon the retailers who "r blackballing" him by refusing to stock it."

Shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck uuuuuuuuup! Let's not forget that he beat her so bad that applied "pressure to her right carotid arteries causing her to be unable to breath. She began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began to attempting to gauge his eyes in attempt to flee herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and released her.” The fact he isn't in jail and getting it up the ass Shawshank-style is soooo unfair! That tool got off fucking lucky so I think it's only fair that he losses his career, lives in poverty and has to go down on Rosie until he's actually sorry. Rosie will show him what it's like losing consciousness with his face in her muff pillow. Sweet justice!

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Being Mean to Babies and Abusing The Elderly Are Both Wrong

Bridget Moynahan is a bitch. Yeah that's right, I fucking went there. Ok, "Bitch" might be too strong so I'll go with pathetic. Bridget Moynahan, Tom Brady's first baby mama released this statement in regards to the birth of Tom's second child with model, Gisele:

"I wish [Tom and Gisele] the best with their baby," the actress, 38, tells PEOPLE in a statement. "I'm sure my son will enjoy having a half-sibling. I ask the press to respect our privacy while we are welcoming this new addition to our extended family."

"Half-sibling", really? It's like the second day of this kid's life and the other kid is only 3 years old and she is already fucking them up. I get that Bridget is bitter but choosing to refer to the new baby as a "half-sibling" is fucking stupid. Even though that's technically accurate, she should just suck it up, stop being so defensive and stop taking it out on a new born. She shouldn't let her bitterness fuck up her child and that other kid too.
That would like me punching my grandma in the face every time my parents called me fat. I tried that once and I guess besides being morally frowned upon, it really made Gammy upset and I didn't get any Christmas presents that year. Worst Christmas ever.

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The End of The World

I don't want to alarm anyone but it's the fucking end of the world if people are still fucking Lindsay Lohan. Good thing Lindsay's new spread in Muse magazine shows her in positions that simulates her having sex with two people and taunting humanity with the end of the world.
"Lindsay Lohan is busy not acting and has posed for a spread in Muse Magazine. Inspired by the relationship between Johnny Depp and Kate Moss, the photos reflect debauched times, a threesome, one of Lohan's breasts and her butt."
That girl has got so many STDs that they've started to mutate into the ultimate STD. Fucking her is the equivalent of drinking the blood of that fucking monkey from "Outbreak". Both are fucking death wishes.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

The Word "Alleged" Seems Unnecessary

Michael Jackson, the alleged child molester, apparently paid $150,000 to commission a painting of him naked surrounded by half a dozen male cherubs. Hmmm, I think the word "alleged"might be superfluous. By my count, he paid about $150,000 for a professional to paint him naked, surrounded by naked boys, while they put flowers in his hair in a field with no other adult there to say "what the fuck are you doing to that kid!?!?". I'm going to go out on a limb and just say Michael Jackson molested children. Bam! There it is. I know it's REALLY out there for those die-hard Michael Jackson but yeah, I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say he did that shit.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Like Seriously Guys, Like I'm Really Sorry

Chris Brown continues to be a unrepentant prick-douche-bag. In an upcoming interview on 20/20, Brown does his best to convince America that he is really sorry for beating his girlfriend. Like seriously, like it's not fair that like people don't give him like a chance to like redeem himself. Like that's so jacked and like whatever.

"I never ever had problems with anger. No, no domestic violence with any of my past girlfriends," Brown said. "I never was that kind of person. I look at it, and it's really, like really difficult. It's like, 'How could I be that person?"

Easy on the heartfelt and profound expression of remorse, Chris, or my brain is going to explode. Fucking Chris Brown and Paris Hilton should get together and write sonnets for a Shakespeare Festival or something because they are teeming with poetry. Utterly soul-shaking.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Tried To Let This Go

Jessica, Jessica, Jessica. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Why does she keep wearing this shit? Ok, she's a little heavier than she use to be. I get it, she doesn't have a career, she doesn't have a boyfriend and the closest she is going to get to marriage is hanging out with her dad. Yeah, I would fucking eat my face off too but I definitely would NOT wear something that made me look like the fucking Stay Puft man. Come on, Jessica, help me help you.

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Fuck The Swiss

Fuck Polanski. The dude rapes a 13 year old and he gets to live in a Alpine Chalet for free while he waits for a possible extradition.

"After more than two months in a Swiss jail, Roman Polanski will be placed under house arrest at his Alpine chalet on Friday, authorities said. The 76-year-old director must stay in the house and wear an electronic bracelet as officials decide whether to extradite him to the U.S. for having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl, the authorities said.
" An "Alpine Chalet" sounds like a goddamn vacation home not a fucking prison. Fuck the Swiss government!

Those stupid fucking clock makers apparently have failed to grasp the concept of rape. Note to self - if I'm ever going to commit a serious crime, do it Switzerland. Murder someone? Great, here's penthouse apartment over looking the city of Lucerne. Grand Theft Auto? Here's a brand new 2010 Saab. Stab an elderly person and drag their mutilated body through the center of town? Here's a fucking penthouse suite at a motherfucking ski resort.

Let's just hope that Polanski spends some time in a U.S. jail and then he'll learn what "special treatment" really means. I think Tiny is getting awful lonely in Cell Block Take-It-Up-The-Ass.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Please Stop That

Worst strip tease ever. She looks like she is trying to seduce her favorite holiday dishes from the appetizer table on Christmas morning. It's all about the dance and the game before she eats them. It's not enough for her to feel like she's conquered those toast points topped with caviar, she needs to feel like she won their loyalty. Saucy little minx!

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No One Likes A Fatty

British people are fucking nuts. They have fucked up teeth that they won't fix, they fucking love Susan Boyle and they eat mud for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Insert a British reality show about a modeling contest for the physically handicapped, call it "Britain's Missing Top Model" and that rounds it off.
"There is something both bold and troubling about “Britain’s Missing Top Model,” a reality show that begins on Tuesday on BBC America that pits disabled women against one another to compete for a photo spread in the U.K. edition of Marie Claire magazine."
Is this offensive somehow? Seems like some granola-eating-tree-hugger or some group would have an issue with this. I don't really give a shit about models that are missing legs or arms because it isn't that interesting so good luck fighting my indifference. But, what I was super happy about is that this show did what it was suppose to do - shit on fat people. Thank God a show about girls overcoming boundaries in the fashion industry can indirectly remind everyone how much fat people suck.
One thing never changes in the beauty industry, however: an ounce of fat is a greater hurdle than a missing limb. “Rebecca’s disability didn’t cause me any problems,” a photographer says after shooting Rebecca, 27, a stunning brunette who was born with a deformed hip and wears a prosthetic leg. “It was just the fact she’s not really in shape. Most models are pretty toned, slimmer, more agile.”
Big applause for this show. They fucking got back to the main point - lose a few limbs and that's fine but if you gain a few pounds, just off yourself because there is no room for you in modern society other than being a clown. Finally, the British do something important. Those lazy bastards haven't done something worth anything since taxing our tea. Keep sucking on the revolution bitches!

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Like most Americans, I'm eating my weight in fatty foods the rest of this week. I'm just waiting for my boss to let me leave so that I can make the eight hour drive home. Man, having me stick around when no one is calling and there is nothing to do is just amazing. Fucker.

Anyway, have a great Thanksgiving and I'll be back to bitch on Monday.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Call 'Em Like You See 'Em

I love Italy, I love really Italians and pretty much everything they do except for their blatant disregard for great television.
A national Italian-American organization based in New Jersey says an MTV reality show that depicts Italian-American beachgoers as the "hottest, tannest, craziest Guidos" is offensive and should be scrapped before it airs. UNICO National said Tuesday that "Jersey Shore" relies on crude stereotypes and highlights cursing, bad behavior and violence in depicting renters at a New Jersey beach house.
Isn't the Jersey Shore actually filled with beef-cakes, hair gel and manicured eyebrows on dudes? Obviously, the Italian culture is more than greased hair and all that other shit but all that bullshit is the heart and soul of the Jersey Show but I'm pretty sure this TV show is more about Jersey and less about Italy. A few of my friends went there this past summer and they call came back with alcohol poisoning, at least one STD and dried hair gel caked on all their going-out clothes. That's what the Jersey Shore is about and I bet that show is going to hit the nail on the head when it comes to showing one facet of Jersey (not Italian) living. Besides, anyone that looks to MTV to accurately and thoroughly depict an entire culture is probably trying to implement Ms. South Carolina's plan about getting all those maps shipped to Africa, the country, so that we can help them like we did with "the Iraq".
For those of you that don't get that reference, "Jersey Shore" is going to be the show for you.

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This Is A Mistake

I'm calling it now, this is a horrible idea. No one really cares how many times Britney gets married or divorced because we all expect that number to be extremely high. What the human race at large is concerned about is the possibility of her having more children. That can't happen. Her vag is rotted out like the Grand Canyon - dry, vast and it can be seen from space. Look, even one of the effeminate looking sons is gagging just thinking about his 9 month prison sentence in there. I motion for sterilization.

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I've Stopped Shitting My Pants!

Guess someone finally learned to stop shitting his pants and it only took 30 + years. *Big boy clap! Some might say that's sad but learning how to wax your chest and pluck your eyebrows is so much important. That why Mario is where he is today - he has his priorities.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

The AMAs Continued - Romance by Adam Lambert

For all those boys out there wondering how to get that special some one to kiss you, please pull an "Adam Lambert" - catching them off guard and then try sucking their face off. Also, it's important to note that "no" means "yes".

The 2009 AMA Awards - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

The good, the bad and the ugly of last night's AMAs were Adam Lambert and Jennifer Lopez's performances. Good because they both fell, the bad because they're both annoying as fuck and ugly because they both looked as good as sewer water. J.Lo is obnoxious and so self-entitled. Her songs suck and the only time I've ever been entertained by her is when she's fucking up or looking ridiculous. Well, well, well, consider me entertained this past weekend by watching her fall flat on her ass during her comeback AMAs performance. That's what she gets for wearing those stupid shoes. Apparently the Jennys from her block are stupid as fuck for jumping off some guys back wearing shitty shoes with an ass like that. She's just asking for shattered ankles.

Adam Lambert is even worse. The bleeding/suffering artist went up there and engaged in some sexually explicit movements all for the sake of his art. Ah! The sacrifices and the dedication of a true and inspired artists. I know Ron Jeremy was tortured with the beauty of his craft in much the same way. Having a dick that big is not something you ask for but when you're blessed with the ability to perform, you owe it to yourself to share your gift. Watching Adam shoves some one's face in your crotch and thrusting must have been what it was like to watching Monet paint. If only those mindless minions could understand the power behind crotch thrusting. I feel for you, Adam, you're being criticized unfairly but just continue to simulate fellatio in your performances; your the Picasso of your day.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Oh Damn It!

Oh fuck, J. Lo is back. I thought that since she got fat and had kids, I wouldn't have to ever see her again because Hollywood hates fat people but noooooooooooo. Fucking J.Lo picks out the most annoying outfit which is a mix between those famous people that dress like they are on acid because it's "fashionable", women that dress like children and a fat kid pretending to be a ballerina. Go away already!

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Tan Much?

Marissa Miller put on multiple coats of the fake tanner shit she got from the set of "Dancing With The Stars" for the Victoria Secret fashion show. I bet if you rolled her around in white sheets it would look like she had explosive diarrhea in the middle of the night. Lingerie and smeared poop, now that's sexy and that's what VS does best. Nicely done.

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Why Does This Not Surprise Me

Miley Cyrus is 17 going on drunken cougar. Surprise, surprise, Miley dressed up like a prostitute for her birthday party according to the NY Post.

Miley Cyrus dressed as Julia Roberts
"Pretty Woman" hooker character for an '80s party to celebrate her 17th birthday Wednesday night. The teen star -- recently criticized for pole dancing at the Teen Choice Awards -- donned the sexy outfit and danced the night away at the Canal Room on West Broadway.

Her parents are unbelievable! This isn't the trailer park, they don't have to pimp out their most eligible daughter to make enough money for meth and food. I don't even blame Miley for being slutty because that's what teenage girls do. I blame her trashy parents who probably figured
"Well, jelly golly, we've been pimping out that there young girl for her whole life. Shucks, I guess there ain't no harm in letting her dress up like that Pretty Woman we done seen on that there magical box with them puppets that jump around more than a Mexican jumping at the frying pit."

Guess This Means Back to the Bulimia

Heidi Klum hosted the annual Victoria Secret fashion show last night in NY. Damn! She literally just pushed a 7 lb parasite out of her vagina 6 weeks ago and she already looks like it never happened. I know for sure that she was in better shape while pregnant than I am now. Fuck! Germany must have succeed with some of their weird science experiments during the war because Heidi's body is physically incapable of let itself get out of shape. Efficiency! Diligence! Steel! I'm screwed because I'm American and my body can't function unless I load it up with a bunch of lard, oil and butter three times a day. I'm like driving Paula Dean's butter truck to the butter factory while Heidi is driving her BMW to an Iron Man competition after eating only veggies and the elixir of life that Sean Connery in Indian Jones.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Nuns Are Taking Over the Internet

I keep seeing these photos of Claire Danes at the premiere of the "Me & Orson Wells" with a "censor" box over her breasts. Of course I figure, breast implants gone horribly wrong exposing her mangled fun-bags. That seemed like the only possible reason for censoring breasts. I finally found an uncensored picture and now it seems apparent that the nuns are getting into the gossip blog business because you can barely see anything. You can see one of her nipples is slightly hard but fuck, my coworkers get that view every day. I work in an office of only men and they blast the AC so my nipples are razor sharp by 10 in the morning. I blame the nuns and their call for modesty. They must be stopped! If I can't see a celebrity embarrassing themselves, then I shall know the true meaning of poor. A curse on thine cruel world; though shalt give me my fun-bags!

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The Kerrys Just Disappoint

I'll admit, I didn't vote for Kerry for President. I can't fucking stand Bush and he fucked up so bad his first term that I didn't think it was possible for him to win his second term. I almost shit myself when Kerry lost. Fucking idiot! How could he lose?!?!?! Well thankfully his legacy of disappointment and general bewilderment has passed on to his daughter Alexandra.

Senator John Kerry's daughter Alexandra was arrested on suspicion of DUI early Thursday morning in Los Angeles, police say.(sic) Kerry, 36, who works as a film director/producer, was arrested shortly after midnight and released at 5:25 a.m. after posting $5,000 bail, police records show.

How does that happen? She's fucking 36 years old, she's the daughter of a politician and she's an heiress? Jesus, just another example of the Kerry clan not knowing the right people and completely squandering their resources. The entire Bush family has gotten out of some pretty serious shit. Fucking look at the Kennedy family! Ted got off for murder and he was celebrate as a motherfucking hero when he died. HE FUCKING KILLED A GIRL AND TOOK A NAP DIRECTLY AFTER IT HAPPENED AND HE'S A NATIONAL HERO! How can the Kennedy pull that kind of magic out of their asses but Kerry can't get is daughter off for a DUI?

I've found a new level of disappointment with the Kerry's. They can't win a fucking election that should have been in the bag and they can't even cover up a family scandal properly. I guess I was wrong, John Kerry, you definitely aren't presidential material.

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"Levi Johnston Doesn't Fly Coach"

Finally! Something to write about. Two things - I started reading the NY Post this morning when I was immediately attracted to a headline that read "Levi Johnston Doesn't Fly Coach". Cue the hillarity.

[Levi] was spotted Tuesday at JFK wearing sunglasses and refusing to stand on line with the "regular" passengers, including "Seinfeld" star
Jason Alexander. A spy on his American Airlines flight told Page Six: "He then made a big show of getting on first. He was seated in the front row of first class, looking like he was born to be there and waiting for some recognition. Jason Alexander was quietly sitting behind him."

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Eating Moose Meat Pays Off

Above is part of Levi Johnston's spread in Playgirl. All I've been reading about his how much he's been working out and how he has been eating nothing but moose meat to get ripped for his photo shoot. I call it now, he isn't any more ripped than when he was campaigning with the Palin fuck-tards. Why would you realize a picture that doesn't show your stomach or your pecks if you got buffed-out? Shit, if I ever get in shape, I'm walking around in a bikini non-fucking-stop and screaming "look at me, look at me!" I'd show up to the Obama's 20 year commitment ceremony in nothing more than a bikini tuxedo so I could show off my body while keeping up the appropriate level of decorum. Levi is being like one of those religious promising ring girls and not giving up the goods. I smell love-handles.

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Lindsay Wipes Her Ass with Money, Here Comes A Pultizer For Fox

Or at least that's what Lindsay Lohan would like you to believe. Lohan stopped by a clothing line opening at Kitson last week and aside from getting paid to show up, she also got a $500 store credit. I guess that wasn't good enough bargained her way up to a $2,000 store credit but decided, "fuck, I can spend that much money on two lines so I'm gonna take $15,000 worth of shit"!
Last week Pop Tarts reported that the troubled Tinseltowner attempted to pawn an expensive bottle of champagne onto Kellan Lutz’s card at Crown Bar, but now she’s taken it a step further and tried to scam $15,000 worth of free clothes and accessories.
None of this behavior is surprising at all, bitch needs to be put down like Old Yeller with a full-blown case of rabies. The BEST part of this article is apparently Lindsay tried to justify getting all the free crap by claiming she was the only celebrity at the store but oh wait, leave it Fox News for that hard-hitting journalism.
But when told she had exceeded her limit quite significantly, Lohan responded that “Pascal would take care of it because I’m the only celebrity here.”

(FYI not true – Dupri himself was there along with Bridget Marquardt and “Real Housewife” Gretchen Rossi)

Bridget Marquardt and Gretchen Rossi are reality tv ho-bags and definitely not celebrities but good job Fox News, way to incorporate the details that matter. I guess this isn't surprising either since they fucking sacrifice virgin pigs to Anne Colture. I can't wait until the next big election because if Fox can label Gretch and Bridget as bona-fide celebrities, then I know I can depend on them for reliable and accurate news.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

A Formidable Enemy

I use think the people that started the whole "Save Katie Holmes" movement were a bunch of losers who's loved ones disappeared after joining Scientology because they just didn't like them. Apparently not. JESUS! Katie Holmes looks like she has been beaten in the face with a boxing glove covered in ugly juice. Her eyes are as droopy as Octomom's vagina and she isn't even that old. She's maybe 30 and Cloris Leachman's old ass puts her to shame. You may have won the battle Scientology but you won't win the war. I've invested too much money in eye cream to fall prey to your tricks.

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The Real Benjamin Button

Bronx looks like the real-life Benjamin Button mixed with Ian McKellen. Pete and Ashlee have some shitty genes.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This Is Going To Get Awkward

Doesn't matter who you are in Hollywood, if you're famous and you get married, you're going to get divorced. Look at Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman or Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston. I would have bet my left and right ovaries that those two couples would have made it. Ah! I'm still dealing with issues of abandonment and my inability to commit at therapy because of them. Anyway, Ellen and Portia were on Oprah talking about how they are going to be together forever.
"Anybody who's married knows there is a difference," said Ellen. "It feels like you're home. There's an anchor, there's a safety. I'm going to be with her until the day I die and I know that."
That's going to get extremely awkward when they get divorced and both of them are still alive. I hope Ellen doesn't feel the need to off-herself because who is going to fill my afternoons with awkward dancing and butchy lez hair cuts? Think of Kate Gosselin, where is she going to get the inspiration to make butchy haircuts "stylish" for straight soccer moms? My advice for Ellen is go to down on Oprah (the Big O hasn't gotten any since she stopped seeing Gayle) and beg her to reserve time so she can take that statement back. Oprah's vajayjay is Ellen's only hope to survive.

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This Could Have Gone Horribly Wrong

Last night, John Travolta and his wife Kelly walked the red carpet with their daughter Ella Bleu for the "Old Dogs" premiere. I have seen hundreds of photos of the late Jett Travolta but I never knew they had a daughter. John is pretty fat with very distinct features shall we say so thank god they didn't have two daughters. Boys get a lot of leeway when it comes to personal appearance but think of having a girl with a whole-lotta-John in her. Not a good scene. Thankfully, Ella is actually pretty. She does look exactly like her dad, extra lbs and all, but I hold out hope that she'll be worth of gracing the cover of Playboy in her near future. With hard work, low self-esteem and an eating disorder, anything is possible. Remember that kids.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Does That Shit Get You High?

Sarah Jessica Parker loves the smell of her diapers. Um, what?!?!?!
SJP told Elle magazine that "I love the smell of diapers; I even like when they're wet and you smell them all warm liked a baked good. I love the smell of Balmex. Love it."
I'm the youngest (and cutest) of my family so I'm not use to being around babies and I have NEVER changed a dirty diaper so I don't know what one smells like. I could maybe understand someone saying "I love the smell of a new diaper because it reminds me of a time before my uterus started rotting and I could still have bastards children." That makes sense. A wet and warm diapers sound like the most disgusting thing I can thing of this morning. Wet equals moldy and warm equals crap that's been baking in the direct sun, on the dashboard of your car, with the windows rolled up. The only reason why I can think that someone would love the smell of a wet and warm diaper is that it must get you high as shit. That's got to be the ONLY reason. I mean look at her, she's so high her eyes can barely focus and she's a second away from saying "dude". I could totally picture how her getting her fix goes down - A stick thin SJP dressed up in her bedazzled trash bag with her 6'' stilettos sniffing diapers and screaming:
Yeah, that's got to be it.

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The Most Unshocking "Scandal"

I've never been to Australia and all the Australians I've met were really cool but the country's Britney Spears fans are fucking idiots.

Australian critics have called her show “boring and stiff”, and there are reports of fans walking out as early as the third song. In their reporting, Perth Now claimed “hundreds of fans stormed out” of the Friday concert. One fan, 22-year-old Amanda Hawlet put it bluntly: “I want my money back or I want her to sing properly. The ticket cost me $200 and she lip-synced the whole thing.”

Sing properly? Are you fucking mentally challenged or have you just been living under a rock? Britney Spears can't sing "properly" which is why she lip-syncs the ENTIRE show. Maybe they've been kicked in the head by a kangaroo too many times because even Britney's circus monkeys know that shit ain't live. Or, maybe they're suicidal because they want to hear Britney Spears sing live over an intense sound system with a limited number of exits. Those fucking kangaroos have driven them to their breaking point! That's not the answer MAN! There's always a way out!

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Strength of 10 Junkies!

Lindsay Lohan and her family never fail to entertain. Michael Lohan released another taped conversation of Dina describing what it was like to get Lindsay into rehab.
"You don't even know what I'd go through trying to get her into, like, rehab and stuff. She'd like, punch me in the face, kick me out of the you don't know the (expletive) I went through trying to get her an intervention by myself. It was very difficult."
Bam! That's your first dose of awesome this morning. Judging by this photo, looks like Lindsay is fucking the next Tyson because that punch left a few marks and a definite dent. Maybe it's all of Dina's plastic surgery and it's kind of like pudy; you can kind of change it's shape and move it around with a good amount of brut force. I know Lindsay looks all skinny, puffy, strung out and sometimes like a tranny but man, I totally under estimated her physicality when she's coming down! Well play sir, well played.

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Holster That Weapon!

This is another example of shit celebrities do that bugs the shit out of me. I don't care that they're famous, I don't want to see their or ANY ONE'S milk junks or golf-ball-ass swaying openly in the wind. Aside from obliterating my appetite and making me afraid to eat, seeing Mariah's side boob in no way positively adds to my day. Put it away, asshole. When the time comes for WWIII, that will be the appropriate instance to unleash that caliber of weapon upon our enemies. They will be too weak from not eating and victory shall be our's!

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Motivation Hard At Work

This is the greatest story I've read all morning. I'm training some fucking chimp-like interns to learn how to make copies so I'm a little behind but still doesn't take away from the story.
An Edgewater man has admitted to stabbing himself in the leg Monday night because he didn't want to go to work.

(sic) He claimed that three skinheads or Hispanic males dressed in black tried to rob him and stabbed him in the lower left leg. (sic) Investigators reviewed surveillance video taken at a nearby business that failed to show an attack where Siebers claimed it had happened. (sic) At that point, Siebers confessed and told them he stabbed himself because he didn't want to go to work, said the police spokesman.
How fucking lazy of a person do you have to willingly stab yourself in the leg just to get out of work? Actually when I read this, I got the impression that this guy was high as shit and he was using some weed-logic to solve his problem. Think about it, he works at Blockbuster for a living, total stoner. It kind of reminded me of the one time when I was high as shit and I wanted some cereal but there were no clean spoons. Instead of just fucking washing one, I used some weed-logic and decided to use a ladle. I was so stoked because I felt like I was cheating the system but weed-logic didn't take into consideration that ladles are used to poor a significant amount of liquid in large bowls as soon as you tilt them. Pouring liquid is what they're designed to do. Weed-logic also didn't give me a quick way to wash my shirt and clean the kitchen floor after so I really just should have washed a fucking spoon. I will, however, give Blockbuster man some points for personal style, flare and originality so he ends up the winner of the weed-logic chronicles.

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Doesn't Count

Meb Keflezighi was the winner of this year's NY City marathon and people are making a big fucking deal about it because he is the first American to win since 1982. My first thought was - An American, winning a long distance race against runners from multiple African fucking way! Guess it's no surprise that I'm a genuis and fucking called that shit because he's not exactly an American.
According to the NY Times he was born an "child immigrant from war-torn Eritrea, and one of 11 siblings in a village with no electricity".
Yeah, no, that doesn't count. Fuck, America is so fucking fat and lazy that we have to offer citizenship to immigrants that can't gain more than 5 lbs because they were starved for the first 15 years of their life in order to win that race. Jesus! It's not even some exotic foreign sport with a ball or bat that needs amazing eye-hand coordination, it's fucking running. Meb is definitely an American but his victory doesn't count as a win for America.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Fuck Yeah Bitches

Last Sunday's U2 concert in Pasadena was fucking record breaking. U2 streamed the entire concert on you tube and 10 million people in over 188 countries watched. Fuck yeah! *Air guitar! I was there and I don't know if you ever tried to navigate through a crowd of 97,000 people at the Rose Bowl but I'm assuming that's what it felt like going through my mother's birthing canal. Totally worth it though. It was an amazing show and the fact that I was at a concert that over 10 million people saw is so rad. Yeah, that's right I said "rad" and I just played my fucking air guitar harder than Dwight Schrute on a sales call!

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Venezula's President Can Suck It

President Hugo Chavez's first mistake is taking political advise from Sean Penn. Sean Penn is an actor and just because he travels to Venezula to discuss filming a movie there doesn't mean he knows shit about politics. I mean, I don't know Mr. Penn but if I'm the president of a country with serious social and economical problems such as Venezula, Sean Penn isn't going to be my first call.

His second mistake is criticizing President Obama by saying:
"They gave him the Nobel Prize, very well, now he should earn it."
Ok the Nobel Prize thing was a little uncalled for and over the top but last time I checked, Hugo is a pretty shitty Presidnet. Let's see, how about the fact that he tried to censor the news by trying to forcibly take control of news outlets as well as intimate journalists. Or, how about he organized a coup in 1992. (HEY THAT RYMES!) Oh and let's not forget to mention that his country is fucking poor and overrun by corruption. It's laughable to me that he can even pretend to have the authority to criticize the president of a country where it's citizens don't have to travel around with armed body guards and little shits like me can openly criticize their government, their president and anyone else I feel like. Constructive criticism is always a good thing because every leader needs a good kick in the ass but 1.) that's not constructive, it's vague at best, 2.) Hugo should probably leave the criticism alone until he becomes a positive force within his own country and 3.) he's fat. The fat isn't really relevant but he is so there!

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A Visual Hangover

Celebrity Halloween costumes can go one of two ways - 1.) they can be really cool because they're rich and they can afford to have really elaborate and clever costumes or 2.) they can be really fucking stupid and annoying because celebrities are really stupid and fucking annoying.
Enter Exhibit A - Tara Banks dressed as Kim Kardashian. When did dressing up as Kim Kardashian become an acceptable Halloween costume? I know she sometimes looks like a clown with all that makeup on and those stupid outfits but she's in definitely not cool enough for Halloween. Ooo, look at me being all rude by just talking about Kim, fucking Tara sucks my balls too. Combining Tara and Kim in one costume is like mixing red wine, with white wine, with whiskey, with beer, with vodka and a handful of pills. You're going to be sick to your stomach, make you pray for death and probably kill enough brain cells to classify you as mentall disabled.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catholics Need A Sense of Humor

Guess it's just rip on special interest groups day today (read post below) because Catholics to remove their eternal damnation out of their asses and get a fucking sense of humor. I totally could have made a crack about priests and little boys when discussing Catholic's asses but I thought I'd keep it classy and focus on the real issue - Larry David is a genius.

On last week's episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm", Larry David's pee accidentally sprayed on a portrait of Jesus Christ and made it appear as if the Jesus was crying. You'd have to watch the full episode to get the proper context but it was fucking hysterical. Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, apparently disagrees
according to a statement he just released.

"Was Larry David always this crude? Would he think it comedic if someone urinated on a picture of his mother? This might be fun to watch, but since HBO only likes to dump on Catholics (it was just a couple of weeks ago that Sarah Silverman insulted Catholics on "Real Time with Bill Maher"), and David is Jewish, we'll never know."

First off - I'd be fucking honored if Larry pissed on a protrait of my mom on "Curb" because I guarantee it would be fucking funny. I'd fucking give Larry and autographed picture of my entire fucking family if he'd use it for part of the show.

Anyway, I'm guessing that Bill doesn't watch the show because Larry makes fun of Jews, the African American community, the physically disabled, people with mental disabilities, actors, doctors, bald people, fucking every group in society and it's not only hysterical but it's smart and right on the nose. Don't get all Sara Palin on me, Bill.
Larry David and HBO aren't out to get Catholics because no one really cares that much. Get a fucking sense of humor because this isn't the motherfucking Spanish Inquisition. There's a reason why religion in general is unpopular because it comes off as serious, exclusive and filled with hate. I was raised Catholic and I remember the nuns telling me I was in danger of going to hell when I was fucking 6 years old. I started sleeping walking into my parents room and dreaming that the devil was going to steal me from my bed and I WAS FUCKING 6! Maybe, instead of worrying about TV shows and telling children they're going to hell, try to concentrating on saving babies in third world countries and feeding the poor. Whoa, what a fucking outside-of-the-box idea.

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The Blind and Deaf Community Are A Bunch Of Babies

Whoa, wait until I finish explaining why before you get your pigtails in a twist. Abigail Breslin, the 13 year-old-actress from "Little Miss Sunshine" and Zombieland, has been cast to play Helen Keller in the Broadway production of "Miracle Worker". The blind and deaf community are getting all upset and shit because the producers decided not to cast a blind or deaf actor for the part.

Sharon Jensen, executive director of the Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts, (sic) said in an interview late Wednesday that her organization strongly opposed a decision by the producers to not audition actresses for the part who shared Helen’s disabilities. “We do not think it’s O.K. for reputable producers to cast this lead role without seriously considering an actress from our community”.

I'm doing the jerk off motion right now because the members of the blind and deaf community that are bitching are being a bunch of fucking babies. The economy sucks lady and why the fuck won't the producers want to cast a recognizable and critically acclaimed actor in their play? Being all Hollywood and important, I'm actually "in the know" about this subject and the simple fact is that it's easier to get investors if there is a "name" attached to a project. This isn't a fucking charity, it's business and it makes sense for them to cast an Oscar-nominated actor. I agree that they should have seriously consideration should have gone to a blind or deaf actor but who's to say they didn't? Fucking, quit whining and making up shit, Sharon because it makes you sound like a baby. If Abigail won that part fair and square, then get over it and tell your blind and deaf actors to do some porn or something so they can become more of a "name". I'm sorry the producers of this play aren't fucking Bill Gates and can afford to cast whomever they want and shit money all at the same time but that's life and if life were fair, then I would have gotten birthday and Christmas presents past the age of five. Sack up because it ain't going to get any easier.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So You Wanna Be A Fat Man...?

Chaz, formally known as Chastity Bono, is undergoing cosmetic surgery to transition to look more like a man. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Chaz describes how amazing it feels to find himself and embrace who he truly is.

"I feel more like myself more than I ever felt. I feel happier and more confident. I used to live most of my life in my head because I was so uncomfortable in my body. The most important thing about this for me is that my outsides are finally starting to match my insides


So based on the pictures I've seen recently, his insides feel like a really fat man....? I'm confused because that would mean he feels constantly hungry, sluggish, short of breath accompanied by chest pains and like his stomach rivals the circumference of a planet?

*scratching head

Guess I'm missing something.

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Still Don't Get It - Continued

Let's revisit the subject of how the fuck Jon Gosselin is getting laid:
Recap - he's a douchebag, fat, balding, has bitch-tits and apparently would let a Michael Jackson babysit his eight children in hell for a dollar. Add a "terrible boyfriend" and "emotionally abusive" to that list and you got yourself a real puzzler.
Hailey Glassman says her reality star boyfriend is emotionally abusive – and she's sick of it. "He'll call me and take his anger out on me," Glassman, 22, says in a two-part interview scheduled to air on The Insider beginning Thursday. "He has 'mantrums.' I shouldn't have to put up with being emotionally abused. I cry and say, 'Why are you so mean to me?' " But she may not get a straight answer. "Sometimes he has trouble with the truth," she says, "and he will dance and dance around his lies. He's like Jekyll and Hyde. But I still love him."
I also read that he smokes pot after his kids are asleep but I don't think it's that bad. My dad use to tell me that good girls roll joints for their fathers 365 days a year and not just on Father's Day so I'd just like to just pretend that's actually true instead of having to pay for therapy. Anyway, I honestly don't get how Jon Gosselin is continuing to get laid if the date rape drug isn't involved. I'm calling on the women and goats of the world to cross their legs/squeeze their cheeks together whenever you see Bitch-Tits around because this needs to stop. I know the goats really don't have a choice in the matter but it's becoming an embarrassment for women.

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