Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Still Don't Get It - Continued

Let's revisit the subject of how the fuck Jon Gosselin is getting laid:
Recap - he's a douchebag, fat, balding, has bitch-tits and apparently would let a Michael Jackson babysit his eight children in hell for a dollar. Add a "terrible boyfriend" and "emotionally abusive" to that list and you got yourself a real puzzler.
Hailey Glassman says her reality star boyfriend is emotionally abusive – and she's sick of it. "He'll call me and take his anger out on me," Glassman, 22, says in a two-part interview scheduled to air on The Insider beginning Thursday. "He has 'mantrums.' I shouldn't have to put up with being emotionally abused. I cry and say, 'Why are you so mean to me?' " But she may not get a straight answer. "Sometimes he has trouble with the truth," she says, "and he will dance and dance around his lies. He's like Jekyll and Hyde. But I still love him."
I also read that he smokes pot after his kids are asleep but I don't think it's that bad. My dad use to tell me that good girls roll joints for their fathers 365 days a year and not just on Father's Day so I'd just like to just pretend that's actually true instead of having to pay for therapy. Anyway, I honestly don't get how Jon Gosselin is continuing to get laid if the date rape drug isn't involved. I'm calling on the women and goats of the world to cross their legs/squeeze their cheeks together whenever you see Bitch-Tits around because this needs to stop. I know the goats really don't have a choice in the matter but it's becoming an embarrassment for women.

Story from -,,20315943,00.html

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