Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catholics Need A Sense of Humor

Guess it's just rip on special interest groups day today (read post below) because Catholics to remove their eternal damnation out of their asses and get a fucking sense of humor. I totally could have made a crack about priests and little boys when discussing Catholic's asses but I thought I'd keep it classy and focus on the real issue - Larry David is a genius.

On last week's episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm", Larry David's pee accidentally sprayed on a portrait of Jesus Christ and made it appear as if the Jesus was crying. You'd have to watch the full episode to get the proper context but it was fucking hysterical. Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, apparently disagrees
according to a statement he just released.

"Was Larry David always this crude? Would he think it comedic if someone urinated on a picture of his mother? This might be fun to watch, but since HBO only likes to dump on Catholics (it was just a couple of weeks ago that Sarah Silverman insulted Catholics on "Real Time with Bill Maher"), and David is Jewish, we'll never know."

First off - I'd be fucking honored if Larry pissed on a protrait of my mom on "Curb" because I guarantee it would be fucking funny. I'd fucking give Larry and autographed picture of my entire fucking family if he'd use it for part of the show.

Anyway, I'm guessing that Bill doesn't watch the show because Larry makes fun of Jews, the African American community, the physically disabled, people with mental disabilities, actors, doctors, bald people, fucking every group in society and it's not only hysterical but it's smart and right on the nose. Don't get all Sara Palin on me, Bill.
Larry David and HBO aren't out to get Catholics because no one really cares that much. Get a fucking sense of humor because this isn't the motherfucking Spanish Inquisition. There's a reason why religion in general is unpopular because it comes off as serious, exclusive and filled with hate. I was raised Catholic and I remember the nuns telling me I was in danger of going to hell when I was fucking 6 years old. I started sleeping walking into my parents room and dreaming that the devil was going to steal me from my bed and I WAS FUCKING 6! Maybe, instead of worrying about TV shows and telling children they're going to hell, try to concentrating on saving babies in third world countries and feeding the poor. Whoa, what a fucking outside-of-the-box idea.

Story -
Picture from -

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