Friday, October 30, 2009

Fuck Yeah Bitches

Last Sunday's U2 concert in Pasadena was fucking record breaking. U2 streamed the entire concert on you tube and 10 million people in over 188 countries watched. Fuck yeah! *Air guitar! I was there and I don't know if you ever tried to navigate through a crowd of 97,000 people at the Rose Bowl but I'm assuming that's what it felt like going through my mother's birthing canal. Totally worth it though. It was an amazing show and the fact that I was at a concert that over 10 million people saw is so rad. Yeah, that's right I said "rad" and I just played my fucking air guitar harder than Dwight Schrute on a sales call!

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Venezula's President Can Suck It

President Hugo Chavez's first mistake is taking political advise from Sean Penn. Sean Penn is an actor and just because he travels to Venezula to discuss filming a movie there doesn't mean he knows shit about politics. I mean, I don't know Mr. Penn but if I'm the president of a country with serious social and economical problems such as Venezula, Sean Penn isn't going to be my first call.

His second mistake is criticizing President Obama by saying:
"They gave him the Nobel Prize, very well, now he should earn it."
Ok the Nobel Prize thing was a little uncalled for and over the top but last time I checked, Hugo is a pretty shitty Presidnet. Let's see, how about the fact that he tried to censor the news by trying to forcibly take control of news outlets as well as intimate journalists. Or, how about he organized a coup in 1992. (HEY THAT RYMES!) Oh and let's not forget to mention that his country is fucking poor and overrun by corruption. It's laughable to me that he can even pretend to have the authority to criticize the president of a country where it's citizens don't have to travel around with armed body guards and little shits like me can openly criticize their government, their president and anyone else I feel like. Constructive criticism is always a good thing because every leader needs a good kick in the ass but 1.) that's not constructive, it's vague at best, 2.) Hugo should probably leave the criticism alone until he becomes a positive force within his own country and 3.) he's fat. The fat isn't really relevant but he is so there!

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A Visual Hangover

Celebrity Halloween costumes can go one of two ways - 1.) they can be really cool because they're rich and they can afford to have really elaborate and clever costumes or 2.) they can be really fucking stupid and annoying because celebrities are really stupid and fucking annoying.
Enter Exhibit A - Tara Banks dressed as Kim Kardashian. When did dressing up as Kim Kardashian become an acceptable Halloween costume? I know she sometimes looks like a clown with all that makeup on and those stupid outfits but she's in definitely not cool enough for Halloween. Ooo, look at me being all rude by just talking about Kim, fucking Tara sucks my balls too. Combining Tara and Kim in one costume is like mixing red wine, with white wine, with whiskey, with beer, with vodka and a handful of pills. You're going to be sick to your stomach, make you pray for death and probably kill enough brain cells to classify you as mentall disabled.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catholics Need A Sense of Humor

Guess it's just rip on special interest groups day today (read post below) because Catholics to remove their eternal damnation out of their asses and get a fucking sense of humor. I totally could have made a crack about priests and little boys when discussing Catholic's asses but I thought I'd keep it classy and focus on the real issue - Larry David is a genius.

On last week's episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm", Larry David's pee accidentally sprayed on a portrait of Jesus Christ and made it appear as if the Jesus was crying. You'd have to watch the full episode to get the proper context but it was fucking hysterical. Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, apparently disagrees
according to a statement he just released.

"Was Larry David always this crude? Would he think it comedic if someone urinated on a picture of his mother? This might be fun to watch, but since HBO only likes to dump on Catholics (it was just a couple of weeks ago that Sarah Silverman insulted Catholics on "Real Time with Bill Maher"), and David is Jewish, we'll never know."

First off - I'd be fucking honored if Larry pissed on a protrait of my mom on "Curb" because I guarantee it would be fucking funny. I'd fucking give Larry and autographed picture of my entire fucking family if he'd use it for part of the show.

Anyway, I'm guessing that Bill doesn't watch the show because Larry makes fun of Jews, the African American community, the physically disabled, people with mental disabilities, actors, doctors, bald people, fucking every group in society and it's not only hysterical but it's smart and right on the nose. Don't get all Sara Palin on me, Bill.
Larry David and HBO aren't out to get Catholics because no one really cares that much. Get a fucking sense of humor because this isn't the motherfucking Spanish Inquisition. There's a reason why religion in general is unpopular because it comes off as serious, exclusive and filled with hate. I was raised Catholic and I remember the nuns telling me I was in danger of going to hell when I was fucking 6 years old. I started sleeping walking into my parents room and dreaming that the devil was going to steal me from my bed and I WAS FUCKING 6! Maybe, instead of worrying about TV shows and telling children they're going to hell, try to concentrating on saving babies in third world countries and feeding the poor. Whoa, what a fucking outside-of-the-box idea.

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The Blind and Deaf Community Are A Bunch Of Babies

Whoa, wait until I finish explaining why before you get your pigtails in a twist. Abigail Breslin, the 13 year-old-actress from "Little Miss Sunshine" and Zombieland, has been cast to play Helen Keller in the Broadway production of "Miracle Worker". The blind and deaf community are getting all upset and shit because the producers decided not to cast a blind or deaf actor for the part.

Sharon Jensen, executive director of the Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts, (sic) said in an interview late Wednesday that her organization strongly opposed a decision by the producers to not audition actresses for the part who shared Helen’s disabilities. “We do not think it’s O.K. for reputable producers to cast this lead role without seriously considering an actress from our community”.

I'm doing the jerk off motion right now because the members of the blind and deaf community that are bitching are being a bunch of fucking babies. The economy sucks lady and why the fuck won't the producers want to cast a recognizable and critically acclaimed actor in their play? Being all Hollywood and important, I'm actually "in the know" about this subject and the simple fact is that it's easier to get investors if there is a "name" attached to a project. This isn't a fucking charity, it's business and it makes sense for them to cast an Oscar-nominated actor. I agree that they should have seriously consideration should have gone to a blind or deaf actor but who's to say they didn't? Fucking, quit whining and making up shit, Sharon because it makes you sound like a baby. If Abigail won that part fair and square, then get over it and tell your blind and deaf actors to do some porn or something so they can become more of a "name". I'm sorry the producers of this play aren't fucking Bill Gates and can afford to cast whomever they want and shit money all at the same time but that's life and if life were fair, then I would have gotten birthday and Christmas presents past the age of five. Sack up because it ain't going to get any easier.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So You Wanna Be A Fat Man...?

Chaz, formally known as Chastity Bono, is undergoing cosmetic surgery to transition to look more like a man. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Chaz describes how amazing it feels to find himself and embrace who he truly is.

"I feel more like myself more than I ever felt. I feel happier and more confident. I used to live most of my life in my head because I was so uncomfortable in my body. The most important thing about this for me is that my outsides are finally starting to match my insides


So based on the pictures I've seen recently, his insides feel like a really fat man....? I'm confused because that would mean he feels constantly hungry, sluggish, short of breath accompanied by chest pains and like his stomach rivals the circumference of a planet?

*scratching head

Guess I'm missing something.

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Still Don't Get It - Continued

Let's revisit the subject of how the fuck Jon Gosselin is getting laid:
Recap - he's a douchebag, fat, balding, has bitch-tits and apparently would let a Michael Jackson babysit his eight children in hell for a dollar. Add a "terrible boyfriend" and "emotionally abusive" to that list and you got yourself a real puzzler.
Hailey Glassman says her reality star boyfriend is emotionally abusive – and she's sick of it. "He'll call me and take his anger out on me," Glassman, 22, says in a two-part interview scheduled to air on The Insider beginning Thursday. "He has 'mantrums.' I shouldn't have to put up with being emotionally abused. I cry and say, 'Why are you so mean to me?' " But she may not get a straight answer. "Sometimes he has trouble with the truth," she says, "and he will dance and dance around his lies. He's like Jekyll and Hyde. But I still love him."
I also read that he smokes pot after his kids are asleep but I don't think it's that bad. My dad use to tell me that good girls roll joints for their fathers 365 days a year and not just on Father's Day so I'd just like to just pretend that's actually true instead of having to pay for therapy. Anyway, I honestly don't get how Jon Gosselin is continuing to get laid if the date rape drug isn't involved. I'm calling on the women and goats of the world to cross their legs/squeeze their cheeks together whenever you see Bitch-Tits around because this needs to stop. I know the goats really don't have a choice in the matter but it's becoming an embarrassment for women.

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Politics in California is a joke. Only in this state can the election for governor feature a porn star, a midget, and a fading action star. Politicians are fucking dirt-bags that do nothing but tickle each other on CSPAN all day while the country falls apart (I blame inbreeding within the conservative party). Politics in general had a moment of redemption in my eyes yesterday when the "Goverinator" wrote the state assembly a letter where the first letter of each line spells out "fuck you".

Overall, I was skeptical about electing a foreigner because I kind of think they should stick to either pastry-making, blowing air kisses, or writing dissertations but color me fucking happy when I saw this - THEY DO HAVE A USEFUL PURPOSE other than irritating the conservative party! I couldn't tell you what the fucking letter was about but politicians needs to be told how fucking useless they are and I'm leaving that job to foreigners. Its my right as an American to tell the government to shove it but I'm lazy and I'd just prefer to outsource it. Greencard for verbal abuse.

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Cholita Alert

Hola Cholita! Fucking J.Lo is bringing it back.Girlfriend just paid out of her ass to look like a cholo's girlfriend. I don't think I've ever seen her look worse - the bad lip liner, the greasy hair, the fact her dress looks like it's about to burst open. All she's missing is a few neck tats with the words Carlos written in Old English and nails long enough to pick a lock.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Day of Reprive For Jessica Simpson

Ashlee Simpson has been fired from Melrose Place which means Jessica Simpson has decided to give living another shot. Everyday that Ashlee is still married and has a kid brings Jessica one step closer from ending it all. Jessica is fat, divorced, childless, with no career to speak of and she gets made fun of constantly. I would probably think about ending it too but for today, Jessica can breath a little lighter knowing that her sister is also turning into a Hollywood loser. Awww, sisterly love.

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How My Office Is Dealing With Swine Flu

Yesterday, one of my coworkers comes up to my desk and tosses a NY Times article on my desk and says, "Can you read this and tell me what it says"? First of all this coworker, Sally, isn't my boss and has the body of Nicole Richie circa her skeletal stage. She is nearly 6 feet tall, probably 115 lbs, six months pregnant, talks in a super high voice only because she thinks it's sexy and has yet to shake hands with common sense. She's kind of a tragic figure because she's actually pretty nice but no one in the office takes her seriously and the father of her child, her boyfriend of four years, is a complete asshole that refuses to acknowledge she's pregnant and bitches every time she even mentions the baby.

On one level, I don't blame the guy because I wouldn’t want to be around her, but he's an idiot because this was definitely a planned pregnancy. It's like North Korea testing nuclear weapons or Jon Gosselin fucking younger women after his divorce. Right or wrong they knew that if they did that shit, America would be all up in their faces giving them hell.

But I digress, so Sally throws this NY Times article on my desk and I end up reading it because that's easier than explaining to her that she does have an assistant and he sits right next to me. The article ends up being about a pregnant woman that catches swine flu, is in a five week coma, losses her pregnancy and ultimately almost dies.

Side note - swine flu will kick the shit out of you if you're pregnant so get it checked out if you start feeling sick.

She comes back by my desk a few hours later and says in her super high voice "So, what's the article about". Now, before I answered her, I noticed her eyes. Sally has these big brown cow-like eyes that are full of hope and optimism. Maybe her eyes are that large because she goes through life completely oblivious, just blocking most of the bitterness and depression that the rest of us carry around. Or maybe her being pregnant means she can only process good news. I had this moment after she asked me that question where I was outside of my body looking down at myself and thinking, "So how's this asshole going to tell this very pregnant woman that if she gets swine flu, she'll probably lose the bastard child she's been wanting for the past 10 years and she's probably going to die"?

Needless to say, it got kind of awkward when I started telling her about how your body's immune system weakens when you're pregnant and the woman in the story can barely walk but has the will to fight to recover so she can have another baby someday. A long awkward pause was just staring me right in the face by the time I finished this story and her big brown cow eyes filled with this mix of worry and a "I'm gonna do something about this" determination. She grabbed the article out of my hand and went straight to the president of the company.

"Bob! Bob, we need to talk. I need a moment of your time! It's an emergency."

I sit right outside of Bob's office and I proceed to hear Sally try to convince him how he needs to force everyone on our floor get vaccinated for swine flu because she can't risk the health of her baby health blah, blah, blah. Mike, my coworker with a constant hard-on for everything Boston, is the complete opposite of what you might call a "team player".

He turns to me and says, "They can't make me get a shot. Fuck her and swine flu."

The fact that he even said a complete sentence to me is fucking shocking. This is the coworker that generally refuses to talk to me, nay, refuses to communicate to me, unless you count verbalizing a significantly higher ratio of grunts to words as interaction. But somehow he has no problem discussing last night’s game with someone else right in fucking front of me.

Again, I digress. All I was able to get say in response was "What", which just prompted another complete sentence. Yay, Christmas-ah-came early for me!

Mike: "I don't give a shit. I'm not getting a vaccine and if they try and make me, I'm going to tell them to go fuck themselves."

Me: "But she's pregnant and she is at risk. I hear they even have a spray that you inhale to get the vaccine if you're scared of needles."

Mike: "They can't fucking make me. It's illegal."

Literally the only reason he doesn't want to get the vaccine is because he likes being contrarian. I can't say that I'm fucking doing jazz hands at the thought of getting a vaccine and I don't like being forced to do something I don't like (thatswhatshesaid) but I'm also not a fucking heartless donkey.

I guess there really isn't an end to the story because Le'Battle of Le'Swine Flu is still raging but that's how my work is handling the news of a potential swine flu outbreak - trying to forcibly vaccinate people, in the hopes of mitigating the risks for pregnant woman. And of course, nothing like disease to highlight the cornerstone, defining characteristic of my work: degrading coworkers and the bonds of loyalty between us.


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A Kindred Spirit For Joe Simpson

Mitch Winehouse, Amy Winehouse's father, said on British TV that her daughter's new plastic rack looks "fantastic". Here's the full quote in case you're bulemic you want to cancel out your last binge:
Fantastic, fantastic. Her boobs are great as well." He then smiled and said, "I shouldn't have said that should I? She looks absolutely fantastic."
Isn't commenting on his daughter's chesticles, Joe Simpson's thing? Whatever, doesn't matter. What does matter is that it's beyond inappropriate to comment on a relative's chest. My recent trip down chubby lane has given me a pretty decent size set of knockers and I'd probably commit a murder/suicide if my dad publically commented on how large my coffee creamers have gotten. When did this become acceptable? Fucking Mitch should go back to shoving alcohol down Amy's throat to get her drunk enough to forget where to get drugs and Joe should go back to ruining his daughter's careers. Now that's being real dads fellas.

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A Wee Little Murderer

Katie Holmes better watch the fuck out because apparently Tom Cruise could be a serial killer according to an interview with Blackbook.
Christian Bale's performance in 2000's 'American Psycho' was so frighteningly believable he must have had some real-life inspiration. Turns out Bale studied Tom Cruise's mannerisms to bring the clean-cut murder addict to life.
Actually, you know who should watch out is Matt Lauer from the Today Show. Tom Cruise was about two seconds away from shoving his fist down Matt's throat, screaming "THAT'S WHAT GLIB MEANS MOTHERFUCKER!" and giving his small intestine a nice Swedish massage. Tom might be short but I'm pretty sure he rips the heads off people that drop out of the church of Scientology.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Over It

Adam Lambert from American Idol did some racy photo shoot for Details magazine where he is basically getting it on with a female model. Personally, I don't give a shit if he's gay or not and taking sexually explicit photos doesn't prove his sexuality one way or the other but it all just seems so contrived. He fucking sucks and needs to go away. I'm so over seeing his bloated face, hearing his shrill of a voice and wondering what kind of eye liner he has because it's perfectly smudged every fucking time! Why can't my fucking liner do that? Every time I try and smudge it, I look like a crack ho or it comes off by the end of the night and fucking liquid liner doesn't look any better. AHHHHHHHHHH! Go away already, Adam. You're ruining my life!

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This Is Embarrassing

There are a few sites that I visit every morning and one of them is I usually hit up this website first when I'm halfway asleep, almost brain dead and way to indifferent to realize that I'm reading fucking Finally, reading that shit pays off because I came across this picture of Kim Kardashian wearing the exact same dress as her very pregnant sister Kourtney in the "Fashion Faceoff" section. Let me sum this up - Kim's ass is so fat that there is enough dress to not only wrap around her sister that's gained at least 20 lbs but to cover another fucking person. Her ass can cloth two people! I'll admit that I've turned into a legit fatty recently but ain't no way my clothes fit a fucking 5-6 month pregnant person. If that were me, I would immediately stop eating, give myself at least 4 enimas, shove my fingers down my throat, have sex with Paris Hilton until I got the HIV and probably steal some of Lindsay Lohan's coke. Come on, Kim. Step up your game because you're of no use to society unless you're under 100 lbs.

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What The Fuck Happened?

I'm mildly attracted to Nicole Richie and I almost think her daughter is cute. Considering that the kid's father is Joel Madden, yeah, I'd say she's pretty lucky and got off easy considering what could have been. "What could have been", i.e. Joel's shitty genes fucking beat his offspring with the what-the-fuck-stick, happened with their new baby, Sparrow. Unlucky bastard because he has a shit ton of Joel and maybe even a little bit of a lemur monkey all up in him. I'll keep my fingers crossed that he gets better looking and it's just a case of ugly new baby. Side note - if I know you and you have a baby, don't show me the thing until at least a year old when they're presentable and more normal looking. When babies are first born they are so fucking ugly that it's just like looking at curdled milk. They're all discolored, smelly, lumpy and it tickles my up-chuck-reflex.

Yeah so I'm sending positive thoughts Sparrow Madden's way because no one wants to look like Joel Madden. Godspeed kid.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

She's Only 16

I guess now I know why I wasn't able to lose my virginity in high school. I should have followed Taylor Momsen's lead from Gossip Girls and opted for slut grab.Note to self - tell daughter to dress like a 30 year old who's addiction to crack has forced her to turn tricks out on Hollywood Blvd. If I didn't get laid in high school, sure as fuck my kids will.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

I'd Want to Claw My Face Off Too - Continued

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Clearly, being a Lohan comes with its own set of unique, shall we say, problems. For example, if you were Lindsay Lohan, you'd have to worry about your own father kidnapping you and not letting you go until crazy says so.
"I'm going to see the judge this week - I can't believe they didn't drug test Lindsay when she went into court. If I can't get a conservatorship, then I'm going to take her to an undisclosed location and get her straight. But I know I'm gonna get charged w/ kidnapping. Lindsay doesn't even know; she thinks she's herself but with all these prescription drugs and other stuff."
Another good plan, Michael! Make threats to break the law before appearing before a judge who you want to give you the power to control another person's life. Nice Lindsay should just keep going with her drug haze because that seems to be better than having to deal with her parents. Whoa that's a sad statement but let me clarify that statement even further- she should just choose to continue to slowly kill herself rather than living with her parents.

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Fuck those old hags that are filming Sex and the City 2 because it's obviously going to suck even harder than the last one. I read a few reports that Miley Cyrus was going to be on the show and colored me fucking pissed when I saw this picture this morning.
People is reporting, "Kim Cattrall and Miley Cyrus trade air kisses while filming a scene for Sex and the City 2 at New York's Ziegfeld Theatre on Friday."
This show actually use to be so fucking good and funny and all that other shit you want The Times to say about a show and now it just sucks. Miley isn't even legally old enough to bump uglies and she's in a show about sex?!?! I know she's a fucking slut that's probably banged every guy from here to the trailer park but what the fuck does she know about sex and relationships? Nothing except how to give a good blow job. Bottom line - good show but horrible movies.

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Didn't See This Coming

Readers I'd like you to meet sarcasm, sarcasm meet my one maybe two readers that don't get the title of this entry.
Back to the point - The Huffington Post is reporting that Stephanie Pratt has been arrested for drunk driving and I'm actually proud of her for getting arrested for something pretty minor relatively speaking. The picture I posted above is her mug shot from when she was arrested for meth. Fucking shit, she looks H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E in that picture. So I give her big pat on the back for getting arrested for drinking instead of drugs and for looking horrible because of waaaaaay instead of shoving Drain-O in her veins. Baby steps.
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Friday, October 16, 2009


Lindsay Lohan is looking beyoooooond rough. Fuck, I was fucking eating when I saw this story and I literally gagged on my burrito and my entire intestinal track.
Lindsay Lohan appeared in a Beverly Hills courtroom Friday morning to for a judge to review her two DUI cases (sic) her probation was extended a year. (sic) The judge warned Lindsay that the next time she violates the terms of her probation, she could land in jail.
Fuck the DUIs, that's fucking meaningless. Why is Lindsay not quarantined and away from the general population? Hasn't anyone ever seen "28 Days Later" or "Outbreak"? Lindsay is obviously infected with some unknown disease that keeps corpses able to function after death. We don't have a cure for it! Fuck, I'm going out and stocking up on sanitizers, that Airbourne junk and hazmat suits. Anyone that wants to survive, will follow me to my bomb shelter until humanity comes to it's senses.

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Jon Gosselin Getting Shaw-Shanked

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I love, love, love, love the fact that Jon Gosselin is being sued by TLC for everything he's worth! I damn near creamed my panties when I read this article on the Huffington Post (link listed below) about how Bitch-Tits is taking it up the ass for breech of contract AND defamation. Yes, yes, yes TLC! I honestly hate this man more than my own reflection and that's saying something. I hope this leave him penniless with his dick about to fall over from whatever A-Team of STDs Hailey gave him. Read the article before you judge.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Calling All Future Sluts Around XMAS Time

They made a fucking life size Bratz doll! Someone is going to die come XMAS time trying to get this for their future-slut daughter. Awww! They grow up so fast.

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Short Bus and the Anti-Semitic Beaver - Continued

If you're smart, you probably have no idea what the headline of this post means because you don't follow this blog. For the one or two tards out there that get it, you're about as smart as Mel Gibson in this photograph.

Mel has killed most of his brain cells with a rum, vodka, gin, tequila, wine, beer, brandy, gasoline, the stuff that removes nail polish etc. Thankfully, his constant companion, the Anti-Semitic Beaver, has taken over and now the puppet becomes the master. Watch out, fucking dumb-as-a-rock-Short Bus-Gibson is on quest for world domination and pimped-out river damns for his "chosen" people.

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Twilight Mania Finally Does Something That's Not Annoying

Side Note - That's one ugly mug. Your guess as to who I'm talking about.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Two Thumbs Up, Way Up!

It's like Christmas every time I read about the Gosselins. They are both dumb as my shit this morning and catty as my anyone of the losers on the Hills. I thank sweet baby Jesus every time they public ask people to "respect their privacy" because it's usually preceded with stuff like this:
Jon Gosselin has been ordered to return $180,000 in marital funds by Oct. 26, according to a lawyer for his estranged wife. Kate Gosselin, meanwhile, must provide an accounting of past expenses by the same date, lawyer Mark Momjian said.
"It may very well be determined that very substantial sums of money which Kate has failed to account for might have been misapplied and misused by Kate,"

said Mark Jay Heller, Jon's attorney.
God bless them for their willingness to humiliating themselves and their defenseless children in public because I NEED that kind of distraction at work. I mostly want to give a big thank you and slap in the groin to Jon because he has done a smashing job at becoming a target for date and disgust. If it weren't for him, I would not be able to redirect my anger from my childhood, the contempt I have for my coworkers and the jealous I have because three or four of acquaintances (fingers crossed they turn into real friends) have a direction in life. Thanks guys!

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Another Reason My Job Feels Like Prison

When I was in elementary school, our teachers use to give us those orange UNICEF boxes to take trick-or-treating with us. The idea was to collect people's spare change and then the school as a whole would donate that money to UNICEF to get kids around the world water, food, clothes and health care.

My life is all kinds of shitty, I'm miserable, I've gained weight and I rarely get laid so I thought, I'll try and turn it around by collecting spare change just like I did in elementary school. I put a bowl of candy on my desk and next to it I put an empty can and attached the UNICEF label you can print online (I was also trying to be green by not ordering the orange boxes, double pat on the back).

Since the people I work with are soulless motherfuckers, I put in like two dollars of my own money just to encourage the ingrates to donate.
By the end of the day, I got my big boss to donate a dollar in exchange for one fun size pack of peanut M&M's and the jar was looking pretty healthy. I have to admit that I was pretty proud. I left work feeling like I was doing something positive that could turn out to be a small step in turning my life around.

I come in to work and THE FUCKING UNICEF JAR WAS MOTHER FUCKING GONE! SOMEONE STOLE MY GODDAMN UNICEF JAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I looked high and low and asked my coworkers and no one has seen it.
This is what I can figure - either some cunt-face douche bag that dreams of giving Osama a rim job took it or my bosses decided that collecting spare change for starving kids in third world countries is against company policy and decided to take it after I left.

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!??!? Not only is it bad enough that I have to put in my own money and pretend like others have donate just to encourage the fat-asses that raid my candy jar to do the same, but I can't trust where I work enough to leave a jar of $3 on my desk without it going missing. THIS MONEY IS FOR CHARITY!

Rant Option #1 - To the person that might have stole the money

Apparently it only takes 6 cents for UNICEF to provide one child clean water for the day so that three three dollars you stole could have given 50 kids clean water. Judging by the fact that my candy is almost gone, I'm assuming that you'll be using that money for three, one dollar big macs from McDonald's. I hope you choke on that meat paddy and then ask a kid of a glass of water to try and clear the hunk of horse meat (yeah, that ain't coming from a cow). In your last moments, I hope that kid looks you directly in the eye and says "No" and you go straight to a hell filled with sand, no water and David Archuleta's new CD plays on a continuous loop.

Rant Option #2 - Just in case it wasn't stolen and it was taken by one of my boss

Seriously? I can't collect the spare change that will probably fall out of your pocket and get lodged in your BMW seat cusion? Interesting. So how is that any different than you shoving your kid's Innisbrook Holiday catalogue in my face pressuring me to buy something to send your kid to Disneyland....oh I mean....raise money for their school? I guess Disneyland...oh I mean....raising money for a school filled with rich, snobby, future pricks and bitchs is more important than giving a couple bucks to kids who probably don't know what fresh water tastes like. Interesting. I hate you, you're balding and your BMW is sooooooooo last year.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Another Future Ho Bag

Suri Cruise is like four years old and she's already wearing heels and drinking Starbucks. What the fuck, Tom and Katie??!?! Don't you know what you're creating? Another generation of Paris Hilton clones you assholes.
The world will literally end if another Paris Hilton like monster is created. The world will collapse into itself, combusted into a million fires to burn all traces of the smorgasbord of acquired STDs and then explode just to be safe.

Side note - why is Suri only wearing a fucking tiny dress when the people next to her (including her parents) are wearing long sleeves and sweaters and shit? It's fucking Boston in OCTOBER. Just thinking about how cold it is makes my asshole freeze. Another reason they are fucking assholes, they torture their daughter and threaten to destroy the entire human race.

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A Day At The Pumpkin Patch With Mom

Shauna Sand, former playmate and wife of Lorenzo Lamas, took her kids for a nice family outing to a pumpkin patch. The look on her kid's face says it all: "What the fuck are you wearing? Halloween isn't for a few weeks and it looks like you put your makeup on with a shotgun you cheap skank. Also, this juice tastes of testicle sweat, something I know you're use to." Those little girls are so screwed because they are either going to grow up to be younger, slutty versions of their mom or their going to turn into butch lezs who date sluts that look like their mom. No one wants to look like that or be with that because it's embarrassing and you wind up taking a shit load of penicillin. Yeah, S-C-R-E-W-E-D.

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The Ghost of Christmas Past

Christina Hendricks from Mad Men got married in New York over the weekend and hot testicles, she's pale! The good news for her is that her chesticles are so large, no one is going to care.

The other thing I thought of writing about was how she accented the bright fall fauna with summertime watermelons. Just saying "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS" is a lot easier and makes me seem like less of a loser.

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Friday, October 9, 2009

This Seems Inappropriate

In next month's Marie Claire, Hilary Swank discuss how she sleeps in the nude. Ok, so not that big of deal. I'm a fucking fat ass and I do everything naked - brush my teeth, comb my hair, play with the dog, clip my toenails etc. The one thing I definitely don't do is have naked time around children, which apparently Hilary loves to do. Here's part of that interview:
JC: What do you sleep in?

HS: I don't sleep in anything. Do you sleep in a nightgown?

JC: I sleep in pj's. I have two young sons, so I have to be conscious of that.

HS: Well, my boyfriend's son is 6 years old, and you wonder at what age you should stop walking around nude. Every morning he comes into the bedroom, and you're just nude. But he doesn't look twice; he doesn't think about it yet. I just toss and turn too much when I sleep, and if I'm in clothes, I get all twisted up.

The fucking cut off year was like 2 years ago! The kid is fucking 6 years old and that's way past inappropriate. Also unless Hilary explained to the kid about transsexuals and transvestites, she should be just walking around naked. Without the proper context of what he/she is, it's just going to confuse the poor little bastard.

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today My Boyfriend Said I Let Myself Go

And another reason why I hate my life currently.

True story.

Yeah, Like That Sounds SOOO Much Better

Tori Spelling is fucking rail thin. Bottom line is that she needs to gain ten pounds and maybe a few brain cells because she was defending her weight by saying she weights 107 lbs and not 95 lbs as reported by Star Magazine.

Tori Spelling wants everyone to know that despite tabloid reports otherwise, she weighs a healthy 107 pounds! The 5'6" mother of two tweets:

Star Mag...LIES! Literally not 1 factual thing in entire article. And, come 2 my house&weigh me Star! I'm 107lbs. if you care about FACTS?!?
There isn't a big different between 95 lbs to 107 lbs in my book when you're that small. What's more important is that focusing on weight distracts from the larger issue - Star Magazine should be careful because Skeletor is a worth advisory and a powerful enemy. I would tread lightly and not piss her off.

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Ridiculous Headline

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I just read this headline on -
"Valerie Bertinelli Loves Herself More Than Pizza"
Yeah, no shit. I wish she would stop talking about her fucking weight loss because she just sounds completely vapid. She already has kind of a vacant stare, she doesn't need to compound it by saying stupid shit.

STDs Flow In Social Networks

Another Post by Uki Girl (see below for explanation of who the fuck is Uki Girl) -

Ok, so this article actually had a factual basis, which compared social network conections to the spread of STDs in some complex algorithm. However, I just love the title of the article. And also, I'd love to someday map out all of my Facebook connections. Like, print out everyone's profile picture, stick it on our wall and start connecting with different colored pieces of yarn. Like in the good old days of Facebook when they had that feature that showed all of your incestuous connections with everyone who friended you. But think of what it would look like! Just in my group of college friends, I know of at least one girl who would have like 18 pieces of yarn attached to her picture (ah, college, the age of being a slut and chalking it up to "experimentation"). You could have red yarn for hooking up, blue for hating each other, green for that one guy in the drunken frat that swears he made out with you but you still can't other words, one big multicolored trip down memory lane. Anyone down for a weekend project?

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Helen Keller Is A Liar

One of the contributing editors wanted to share her thoughts on some very important issues - Helen Keller and STDs. In the interest of diversifying the Poop League and maybe touching on some topical issues, I give you this post and the next one by Uki Girl.

Washington (CNN) - A bronze statue of Helen Keller was unveiled at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday as lawmakers praised her as a trailblazer and an inspiration for those with disabilities. The statue shows Keller - who lost her sight and hearing to illness when she was 19 months old - standing at a water pump as a 7-year-old, a look of recognition on her face as water streams into her hand. It depicts the moment in 1887 when teacher Anne Sullivan spelled "W-A-T-E-R" into one of the child's hands as she held the other under the pump. It's the moment when Keller realized meanings were hidden in the manual alphabet shapes Sullivan had taught her to make with her hands.
Let me preface this by saying that I am fully aware that I'm going straight to hell. With that being said, am I the only one that thinks the Helen Keller thing is crap? Just think about it....this girl can't hear, can't see, can't talk (which goes without saying...excuse the pun), and it's also 18 fucking 87. There is no way in hell that she can gain a full understanding of the English language by some woman rubbing patterns on her hand! I mean really, how does one make the connection between "what the f is this woman doing to my palm" and "oh, water! Clearly that's what she's trying to tell me!". I'm sorry, but I don't buy it. I'm 24, and trying to learn Ukrainian after already speaking 2 other languages and hearing Ukrainian around me my whole life is balls hards. I have a hard time believing that in a time not long after the fucking Gold Rush such a miracle could occur. Just sayin.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jude Law Sucks

Jude Law is in a new production of Hamlet and I guess all of the Broadway nerds are fucking jizzing their pants over him.

The New York Times said, "If vigor were all in acting
Shakespeare, Jude Law would be a gold medal Hamlet. Playing the doomed Prince of Denmark in the barnstorming production that opened on Tuesday night at the Broadhurst Theater, directed by Michael Grandage, Mr. Law approaches his role with the focus, determination and adrenaline level of an Olympic track competitor staring down an endless line of hurdles."

Full Story -,%20jude%20law&st=cse

Whatever. In my book, Jude Law is a prick and it doesn't matter if he's in a hit Broadway play or blockbuster movie, he's still going to be a prick. How's his track record as a father? Um, he cheated on his wife with his kids' nanny and he just had a daughter that he apparently hasn't even seen yet. Nice going - "Jude Law approaches fatherhood like ghetto-ass-hood-rat guest on the Maury Povich show." That's my review. Also, I just wanted to post the promo picture of him for Hamlet because he looks like a strung out tool bag.

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Happiness Comes In the Form Of Puppies

About a year ago, before I started this shitty blog, I use to get through my day by watching a live stream of six Shiba puppies from San Francisco. I literally watch 6 tiny puppies, shit, eat and sleep for 10 hours a day. They didn't really do much but it just made all the shit I have to put up with at work tolerable and I didn't feel like blowing my brains out every second of the day. Well anyway, the site that their breeder used to stream the video just announced it was their birthday today. They have a couple videos linked to the website that shows what they look like now. Fucking A, I'm starting to cry. Goddammit!

Current Videos of the Shiba 6 -

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Font Row Tickets - Fail

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Someone Save Me

One of my boss just sent me this email:
Can you call his assistant and see if Island Sushi works for him tomorrow? You can let her know that I am a little paranoid about swine flu and thought that place would be good because it is really good and it is usually pretty sparsely populated.

They can get back to us in the morning but that was my thought.



I fucking hate my job and probably my life even more. Dammit....

Mario Lopez Is A Tool - Continued

Seriously? He is eating his birthday cake with a shirtless picture of himself on it? I hope that picture is from the official Mario Lopez Calendar, 2009 because if it's from 2010 it's going to ruin the surprise and thus my entire, fucking YEAR!

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I'd Want to Claw My Face Off Too

Lindsay Lohan.......*sigh. Let's just evaluate her life to date:

1. Her body has been destroyed by drugs and booze.
2. She doesn't have a career and the last work she was offered, The Hangover, she turned down.
3. Her dad is Michael Lohan and her mom is Dina Lohan.
4. The four trips to rehab didn't work, here's hoping the fifth will work.
5. She has been dumped by a girl that looks like the crypt keeper.
6. Her last film went straight to the ABC Family Channel.

Now let's add failed fashion consultant:
Lindsay Lohan's debut collection as Ungaro's 'artistic advisor' walked the Paris runway on Sunday.

The LA Times said, “Nothing in the collection evidenced any real skill or discernible design work … there’s really no defending this misguided collection, other than as a desperate bid for attention from a house that hasn’t mattered since its founder retired in 2004.”

The London Telegraph said, “There were some truly hideous fashion faux pas. Silver sequinned ‘pasties’, for example, belong in a lap dancing club.”
Yeah, I'd be boozing, sexing and drugging it up too.

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Dirty Jersey Is Back!

This has to be the best news I'm going to hear all day-
The Housewives of New Jersey's season 2 will air in 2010, but the network hasn't announced which of the women from the first seasonDanielle Staub , Dina Manzo, Jacqueline Laurita, Teresa Giudice and Caroline Manzo — will be back.
Full story on
This show is fucking amazing - mobster wives, drugs, prostitutes, bad plastic surgery, Italian tempers, strip clubs and car washes. Need I say more?

Danielle, Dina, Teresa and Caroline HAVE to come back on the show otherwise it's going to suck. Jacqueline is kind of like that nice but incredible stupid friend that really never needs to be there for you to have fun. You spend so much time telling them to stop looking at imaginary butterflies and to finish their fucking drink so you all can go to the next bar. Ultimately it just fucks with the momentum of the night. I'm here to get drunk and make bad decisions with some random guy at the end of the bar
; I'm definitely not trying to host a field trip from the mental institution..

Yeah, Jacqueline can go and I'm not going to be that upset.

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