Friday, October 16, 2009


Lindsay Lohan is looking beyoooooond rough. Fuck, I was fucking eating when I saw this story and I literally gagged on my burrito and my entire intestinal track.
Lindsay Lohan appeared in a Beverly Hills courtroom Friday morning to for a judge to review her two DUI cases (sic) her probation was extended a year. (sic) The judge warned Lindsay that the next time she violates the terms of her probation, she could land in jail.
Fuck the DUIs, that's fucking meaningless. Why is Lindsay not quarantined and away from the general population? Hasn't anyone ever seen "28 Days Later" or "Outbreak"? Lindsay is obviously infected with some unknown disease that keeps corpses able to function after death. We don't have a cure for it! Fuck, I'm going out and stocking up on sanitizers, that Airbourne junk and hazmat suits. Anyone that wants to survive, will follow me to my bomb shelter until humanity comes to it's senses.

Fully Story -

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