Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Two Thumbs Up, Way Up!

It's like Christmas every time I read about the Gosselins. They are both dumb as my shit this morning and catty as my anyone of the losers on the Hills. I thank sweet baby Jesus every time they public ask people to "respect their privacy" because it's usually preceded with stuff like this:
Jon Gosselin has been ordered to return $180,000 in marital funds by Oct. 26, according to a lawyer for his estranged wife. Kate Gosselin, meanwhile, must provide an accounting of past expenses by the same date, lawyer Mark Momjian said.
"It may very well be determined that very substantial sums of money which Kate has failed to account for might have been misapplied and misused by Kate,"

said Mark Jay Heller, Jon's attorney.
God bless them for their willingness to humiliating themselves and their defenseless children in public because I NEED that kind of distraction at work. I mostly want to give a big thank you and slap in the groin to Jon because he has done a smashing job at becoming a target for date and disgust. If it weren't for him, I would not be able to redirect my anger from my childhood, the contempt I have for my coworkers and the jealous I have because three or four of acquaintances (fingers crossed they turn into real friends) have a direction in life. Thanks guys!

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