Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This Is Embarrassing

There are a few sites that I visit every morning and one of them is I usually hit up this website first when I'm halfway asleep, almost brain dead and way to indifferent to realize that I'm reading fucking Finally, reading that shit pays off because I came across this picture of Kim Kardashian wearing the exact same dress as her very pregnant sister Kourtney in the "Fashion Faceoff" section. Let me sum this up - Kim's ass is so fat that there is enough dress to not only wrap around her sister that's gained at least 20 lbs but to cover another fucking person. Her ass can cloth two people! I'll admit that I've turned into a legit fatty recently but ain't no way my clothes fit a fucking 5-6 month pregnant person. If that were me, I would immediately stop eating, give myself at least 4 enimas, shove my fingers down my throat, have sex with Paris Hilton until I got the HIV and probably steal some of Lindsay Lohan's coke. Come on, Kim. Step up your game because you're of no use to society unless you're under 100 lbs.

Picture from -,,20159269,00.html

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