Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Politics in California is a joke. Only in this state can the election for governor feature a porn star, a midget, and a fading action star. Politicians are fucking dirt-bags that do nothing but tickle each other on CSPAN all day while the country falls apart (I blame inbreeding within the conservative party). Politics in general had a moment of redemption in my eyes yesterday when the "Goverinator" wrote the state assembly a letter where the first letter of each line spells out "fuck you".

Overall, I was skeptical about electing a foreigner because I kind of think they should stick to either pastry-making, blowing air kisses, or writing dissertations but color me fucking happy when I saw this - THEY DO HAVE A USEFUL PURPOSE other than irritating the conservative party! I couldn't tell you what the fucking letter was about but politicians needs to be told how fucking useless they are and I'm leaving that job to foreigners. Its my right as an American to tell the government to shove it but I'm lazy and I'd just prefer to outsource it. Greencard for verbal abuse.

Picture from

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